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Monitor food safety standards in the region,

The AJK Food Authority is a governmental organization whose purpose is to regulate and monitor food safety standards in the region of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Pakistan. Its main objectives include ensuring the availability of safe and wholesome food to the consumers, controlling food-borne illnesses, and promoting food safety awareness among the public. The authority performs various activities such as inspections, product testing, monitoring food handling practices, and enforcing food safety and food security. The AJK Food Authority plays a crucial role in protecting public health and maintaining the reputation of the regions food industry.

The Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) Food Authority is a governmental organization responsible for regulating and monitoring food safety standards in the region. The main responsibilities and functions of the AJK Food Authority may include:


Safe Food to Consumers

Responsible for ensuring that food products sold in the region meet established food safety standards and are free from contaminants


Monitoring Food Handling

The authority may inspect food production facilities, storage facilities to ensure that they are adhering to good food handling practices.


Food Safety Awareness

We may conduct food safety training and education programs for food industry professionals and the general public to increase awareness


Food Safety Regulations

Enforce food safety regulations and take legal action against food business operators who violate food safety standards.


Product Testing & Quality

The authority may collect samples of food products for laboratory analysis to determine their safety and quality.

Ensuring the Safety and Quality of food products in AJK.

The AJK Food Authority was established in 2018 with the aim of regulating and ensuring the safety and quality of food products in Azad Jammu and Kashmir. The foundation of the authority was laid with the promulgation of the AJK Food Authority Act, 2017 in September 2017. The act provided a legal framework for the establishment of the food authority and outlined the scope of its responsibilities and powers.

The composition of the Food Authority was notified in 2018, detailing the members of the authority, their roles, and the process of their appointment. The first meeting of the Food Authority was held on 15th February 2018, which laid the foundation for the implementation of the authority’s plan of action. Since then, the AJK Food Authority has worked towards regulating the food industry in the region, ensuring the safety and quality of food products, and safeguarding the health of its citizens. The establishment of the AJK Food Authority has been a significant step in promoting food safety in the region, providing a platform for stakeholders to work together towards a common goal.